Football Crazr Sweepstakes
2024 Football Crazr Sweepstakes Fundraiser
Special Olympics Ohio is teaming up again with the Knights of Columbus to bring you this unique opportunity to raise funds by making a small donation and possibly winning some prizes so we can continue to make a difference in the lives of our athletes.
The sweepstakes involves the last 10 weeks of games played by the NFL this season – games that will be played between late October through December/January. Donation is $20.00 per ticket.
23 Chances to Win Weekly Per Ticket for 10 Weeks
$2,500 in Weekly Prizes / $25,000 in Total Prizes
Prizes are ONLY from Tickets Sold
Each Ticket Provides 4 Random Pro Football Teams per Week
Your Score is the Total Points Scored by the Listed Team Each Week
Prizes are determined by the highest/lowest 4-team total per week
35,960 different combinations, your teams will be on your ticket
Weekly Winners list to be sent out by Special Olympics Ohio
You have to enter us as an "Other" county for us to get credit for the donation:
Click this donation form.
Enter your information.
Under Select Region, click on South Central.
SC: Select County appears, select Other.
Type Delaware County Racers.